We have realistic and customized strategies to support you and the person you care for at home

We provide professional services to reduce the caregiving burden, whether it be:

  • Physical demands- by providing adaptive techniques, such as positioning, home equipment, layout and placement of items in the home, or simple safe lifting techniques and transfer/lift equipment
  • Emotional demands- by accessing resources that YOU can use, while you're at home, or through local agencies, caregiver agencies, peer support services, professional support services, adult daycare services, and respite agencies.
  • Financial demands- by determining eligibility from charitable organizations or government agency services such as those through the Department of Rehabilitation Services, Home-based Community Services, Department of Aging, Department of Specialized Care for Children, Illinois Network for Independent Living
  • Disease-based or condition related demands- by having over 30 years experience as a healthcare provider, we address strategies for caring for someone who may have congenital diagnoses, general medical conditions, chronic progressive diseases, chronic care management, age-related changes, or post-surgical conditions. While we do not treat these conditions, we are able to provide strategies for YOU to manage caring for the person with these needs.


Check out our Resources page to obtain more potential supports that might make caregiving easier for you